Monday, August 6, 2012

Kindness Revolution

Kindness is the act or the state of being kind, being marked by good and charitable behavior, pleasant disposition, and concern for others.

 I think it is time for a KINDNESS REVOLUTION!
It's time to look at those around us and think of ways we can help and bless them. It's time to look beyond ourselves and our own troubles and genuinely care for our friends and want the best for them.

The above definiton describes kindness well. Kindness is marked by good and charitable behaviour, a pleasant disposition and concern for others. Kindness can be anything from cooking a meal for a friend who is sleep deprived, writing an encouraging text message or card, giving a big smile and wave when you pass them on the road, blessing them with a gift, or just sitting and asking if someone is ok, just out of genuine concern and love. Simply BE NICE!!   These things seem simple, but the impact these actions can have on someone can be life changing!

As a family we have personally experienced kindness on a great level. Most people know that Todd hit his head and received a brain injury 4 years ago. When this happened he was pretty much stuck on the couch for 3 months, wasnt able to work or drive. I had a 2 year old, a 13 month old, a 3 week old and a non-functioning husband, it was tough. We had no income and things were tight!! This is where i discovered the power of Kindness. We had people bring us meals, we had food parcels arriving at the door step, we had envelopes arrive in the mail containing money. Without peoples kindness i'm not really sure how we would have got through those few months. 
More recently i have been encouraged by a great friend who didnt want me to be cold this winter so she bought me an electric blanket and leather gloves. What a blessing she is to me. Her kind, thoughtful actions have impacted my life and now I want to bless others, so they can feel loved and encouraged too.

Are there people around you in need? People who may need encouragement? People who may need a smile? Im sure there is. Think about someone you can show kindness to and go for it. It is the best feeling ever to bless someone! let the Kindness revolution begin!!!!


  1. Love this Bec. When people are kind it totally rubs off on others. Great post xx

  2. i love this post! great work bec! :D

  3. Love is kind.... I guess the reason we don't see as much kindness as we should is because people tend to have love for themselves and no one else. Surely the best way to open the eyes of self lovers is to show them the selfless love of kindness. I totally agree, let the kindness revolution begin!!!
